Donation to ASUE Library: Political Requested Books and Magazines are also Available to Students

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Director of ASUE Library Armine  Hovhannisyan informed  that  Associate  Professor of the Chair of  Political Science and Law, ASUE, had  donated about 100 books  and scientific magazines to the  University  Library, most of  which are primarily political analysis around geopolitical,  national security issues.

“Publications of local and international prestigious research  centers, analyzes by famous authors are  among the books  and  magazines, which  are useful for our students, especially the  ones studying international economic relations”; mentioned  Armine  Hovhannisyan- distinguishing, for example, “Globus” analytical journal,  “21st  Century” magazine.

Student-economists, of course, should be aware of the geopolitical developments, regional and international political relations, which are directly related to economic aspects and outline the prospects for development.

We  are  glad  to note that the University Library provides contemporary literature, both in native and foreign languages for  developing ASUE students’ political thinking.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations Division 

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