New Working Year and Final Examination Process at ASUE

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Today is the  first working day  of 2017.

All subdivisions are  in working rhythm,  students are  hurrying  up to examination rooms-final exams  of full-time  and  part-time studies of the  1st  semester /2016-2017 academic year/  have started.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media and Public Relations  Division the  Head of  Educational Division Aghavni Hakobyan said  that the  examination  process will last from January 9  to 23.

The schedule of tests, exams and winding ups of the first semester of  2016-2017 academic year  are  available in ASUE official website:

The  schedule  of part-time  studies are  available in the  mentioned link:

We wish our colleagues productive working year, the students  successful examination period.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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