Financial Education Issues at REFINE Workshop

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"Reforming Master’s Program in Finance in Armenia and Moldova" (REFINE) project, in the frames of Erasmus + Program, held a workshop at "NASDAQ OMX Armenia" OJSC. Head of the Chair of Finance of ASUE Ashot Salnazaryan, Associate Professor at the same Chair Edgar Aghabekyan, Assistant Professor Vanine Yeranosyan and Chief Specialist at the Foreign Relations Division Margarit Marukyan (the above mentioned OJSC and REFINE are associated partners of the project) were present at the workshop.

Foreign Relations Division, the project coordinator at our University, informs that the workshop was organized within the framework of the first working package of the project and was aimed to discuss the current situation, opportunities and omissions of financial education, as well as upcoming developments in this area. Particularly, main challenges and opportunities of the region in banking and finance were discussed. The following questions were clarified: if the significant effect of financial technologies is expected on banking and finance in our region, how universities should respond to the development of financial technologies, what is the impact of automation on the financial sector specialties and if organization of financial education and educational needs are satisfying for the business sector.

The workshop was one of the key points in the needs assessment and will be the basis for development of guidelines for the reform of the Corporate Finance Master’s Program.

Let’s remind that REFINE is a three-year project from 2017 to 2020. More information about the aim of the project, deliverables, project partners and the role of ASUE in the project is available here: ,

Photos from the Foreign Relations Division.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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