ASUE Professor Attended International Forum in the Frames of “Horizon -2020”

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Head of the Chair of  Environmental Economics, ASUE, Doctor  of Economics, Professor Suren Gevorgyan won the competition announced by the RA National Academy of Sciences in the frames of “Horizon-2020” Grant Program  and attended “Green Days” international forum conducted during “International Technology and Business” meetings  in Lyon, France, from November 28 to December 2.

The  measure  was  attended by 3000 scientists  from 50 countries all over the World.

Suren Gevorgyan worked in the section on issues of global climate warming and presented  the problems of climate warming in Armenia.

“I had meetings with representatives of various countries (Norway, Georgia, Switzerland, etc.) and we have reached a preliminary agreement to carry out joint research projects”; mentioned Suren Gevorgyan.

 Head of Science and PhD Division, ASUE, Khoren Mkhitaryan highlighted participation of our scientists in “Horizon 2020”, stressing  that this  forum is  attended by only ASUE among Armenian Universities. “So, this increases both our internationalization process of science and the effectiveness of the implementation of research projects with foreign scientists”; added Head of Science and PhD Division.

Suren Gevorgyan informed that  he  attended international conference dedicated  to  problems of global warming (conducted by Academy of Sciences) held in Ashgabat a month ago and  presented a report on “Economic problems of global climate warming”.

The photos are submitted  by Suren Gevorgyan.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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