Students’ Interactive Training

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Frequently conducting open lessons, team activities, seminar-discussions at our University make the teaching process more interactive and student-centered. Both lecturers and students have repeatedly expressed the view that new teaching methods are effective to acquire knowledge, in addition,  make teaching process more interesting and full.

Today, in the  frames of “Regional Economics and Management” course, an open class was conducted  by the 4th year students  of State and Municipal Management specialty: the key topics were related to regional economic development and in that  context Armenian Economic Development.

Today, lecturer, Candidate of Economics Sargis Asatryants gave the  students an opportunity to hold the training.  Students have worked in teams conducting studies and deep analysis of regional economic structures, in particular, development prospects of the EEC, Customs Union, Armenia.

The initiative inspired the students and each team strived to be different and to act as the best one.

Students made confident speeches pointing out what are the advantages of the EEU membership for Armenia, what are the risks, prospects of development and etc..

It’s interesting that the students introduced the EEC member countries symbols: Armenian flag for Armenia, matryoshka for Russia.


ASUE Media  and Public and Relations Division 

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