“Student Autumn-2016” Started: Winners of Chess Championship Are Known (photos)

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Today, students of ASUE all Departments are competing in chess and volleyball championships: annual autumn sport-cultural festival has started.

 ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan attended the chess  championship, inspired the players.

Chess and volleyball championships will be summed up at the end of this working day. Solemn opening ceremony of the festival is planned to be held on November 16.

Note, that conducting “Student Autumn” festival has become a  tradition: every year it brings together University members under one platform, and “ASUE Best Department” will be established by the results of sport-cultural competition, which are conducted by active support of the Chair of Physical Training,  Emergency   Situations and Civil   Defense.

Here are the results of chess  championship:

1. Department of Management,

2. Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations

3. Department of Accounting and Auditing

The winners were awarded medals, certificates  and the 1st winner was awarded a  prize.

Results of volleyball championship will be known tomorrow.





ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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