ASUE Employees Visited University of Miskolc, Hungry

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Tatevik Mkrtchyan, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Theory of Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences,  and Manush Kalantaryan, Senior Assistant of the Chair of Marketing, visited  University of Miskolc, Hungary, in the frames of “Erasmus+” program, on October 23-29. They have an opportunity to conduct meetings and to act with professional and business presentations.

Tatevik Mkrtchyan told  ASUE  Media and Public Relations Division that she  had  conducted trainings on “Neuroeconomics”  and “Consumer Psychology and the Paradox of Choice” for Bachelor students  and  PhDs.  She  has returned greatly impressed.

“I am particularly impressed by the PhDs.  They were also impressed by the conducted training, they mentioned  that it’s  so informative, and full of news. They even asked me to send them the text of lecture. I did it”; mentioned Tatevik Mkrtchyan.

 Manush Kalantaryan said  that she had meetings  with representatives  of administrative  staff, in particular the responsible for the international relations and also with the Heads of Marketing Department.

“We  have discussed the opportunities for carrying out joint projects. As a representative of the Chair of Marketing  I was interested in the opportunities of preparing joint scientific articles, around which we have already acquired certain agreements”; mentioned  Manush Kalantaryan.  She  also made a presentation on Armenian State University of Economics.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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