ASUE Girls Basketball Team as a Prizewinner of “Students Cup”

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ASUE girls team won the 2nd  prize in basketball championship held in the frames of “Students Cup” interuniversity sport games dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the RA Independence.

Elianora Grigoryan, coach of  ASUE girls team, Associate Professor of the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense told ASUE Media and Public Relations Division that the team was in good form and had demonstrated beautiful games during the championship registering great victories.

Note, that the “Students Cup” interuniversity sport games dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the RA Independence is organized by the Youth Organization of the Republican Party of Armenia  and Armenian Student Sport Federation.  The organizers mentioned  that the sport games aim to contribute  to development of university sport in the RA higher education institutions and popularization of  sport games among students.

Congratulations to our team.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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