ASUE Representatives Attended Solemn Measures Dedicated to the Anniversary of Rostov State University of Economics

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Vice Rector of Science  and International Relations Gagik Vardanyan and Head of  the Chair of International Economic Relations Grigor Nazaryan attended solemn measures dedicated to the 85th anniversary of our University partner Rostov State University of Economics on October 28.

Gagik Vardanyan handed ASUE Rector, Doctor of Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan’s congratulatory message to Rector of Rostov State University of Economics Adam Albekov.

During the jubilee events ASUE representatives conducted a number of meetings and reached cooperation agreements with representatives of a number of Universities in Belarus and Russia.

Note, that cooperation relations between ASUE  and RSUE were developed  years ago.

A number of visits, joint conferences were conducted during this time. “Our partners confirmed their willingness to continue the cooperation, in particular, to organize training of our Faculty staff,  to carry out academic exchanges  and joint research”; mentioned Gagik Vardanyan.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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