A Three-day-conference to Discuss Problems of Education System

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Assessment and Testing Center joint with the RA MES conducted conference on  “Education Assessment System: Problems and Development Prospects” in Jermuk on October 25-28, which was attended by Deputy Minister of the RA MES Manuk Mkrtchyan, executive representatives of admission process from a number of   Universities, Ministry and ATC.

Executive Secretary of ASUE Admission Committee Mary Badalyan attended the conference and she told ASUE Media and Public Relations Division that she was impressed by the conference, it was informative and enabled the participants to get acquainted with not only the nuances regarding the admission process but also the whole necessary information package  accompanying the process.

Mary Badalyan mentioned  that the work was carried out in 8 subgroups, she was involved in the subgroup discussing problems regarding admission exams. After a three-day-conference the subgroups made final speeches. Our  representatives made two speeches: offering the concept of transition from school to University, which was approved, and the Deputy Minister suggested to  experiment it in any educational institute in order to assess the effectiveness.

“The conference aimed to discuss the current problems, as well as to develop new approaches. Such conferences  are so useful and are aimed to improve the work quality”; said Mary Badalyan and added that she is going to present the work done in an article.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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