The 3rd Conference in the Frames of PEOPLE Project

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On October 27, the 3rd conference on “Strategic Management of Human Resources: Experiences and Trends” was held in the frames of  Promoting Educational Organisation through People (PEOPLE)  project at American University of Armenia, which was attended  by Head of ASUE Quality Assurance Division Nerses Gevorgyan, Head of HR Management Division Gohar Sargsyan, leading specialist of Quality Assurance Division Ani Baghdasaryan and Service Manager on Educational-Methodical Matters of Educational Division Gayane Merdinyan, who reported on “ASUE Strategic Plan”.

The conference was attended by representatives of Catalonia Polytechnic University, Spain Alicia Berlanga, Higher Technical University, Portugal,  Marta Bail and Alexandra Sevinate Pontes, Swedish Royal Institute of Technology Lotta Gustavsson, Ilia University of Georgia Nino Nikolaishvili and Tamta Muradashvili, Kutaisi University Nino Khazaradze and Elgudzha Deysadze.

Lana Karlova Head of National Office of “Erasmus+” program in Armenia delivered a speech at the conference.

It is noteworthy, that the conference is actively attended by representatives of HR Management  field of various Universities in Armenian.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division

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