Representative of the Central Bank Conducted a Lesson for ASUE Students

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Narek Khulbaryan, Candidate of Economics, Supervisor of  Financial Supervision Department of the RA CB, was  hosted at ASUE by initiative of Vahan Babayan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Managerial Accounting and Auditing.

Liana Grigoryan, Head of the mentioned Chair, Sona Ghazaryan, Deputy Dean of the Department of Accounting and Auditing attended the meeting.

The representative of the CB clarified the essence  of the financial infrastructure and features of the activity, then presented the essence of the supervision and the role of auditing in the management system. A reference to development history of the RA financial infrastructure was made, and it’s mentioned that the supervision of financial infrastructure has been carried out by the RA CB since 2006.

At the  end of the meeting the speaker answered the students’ questions.

Vahan Babayan highlighted that the invited specialist carries out supervision of the Armenian financial organizations and his rich practical experience is instructive for students.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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