Practical Training in “Armenian Wine” Factory: Pleasant and Useful Combination

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On October 10,  students of Tourism Management specialty visited “Armenian Wine” factory in the frames of “Food Services” course  accompanied by Stepan Mantarlyan, lecturer  of the Chair of Tourism and Crisis Management, Candidate of Economics.

The students visited the buildings of the Factory accompanied by anthropologist Syune Barseghyan, got acquainted with  the stages of production step by step: from the cultivation of grapes to wine production. Then  the red and sparkling wines tasting was carried out in special  tasting hall.

Stepan Mantarlyan mentioned  that this was the first visit to production company in the frames of the course and it strengthened students’ practical knowledge.

“We express our  gratitude  to “Armenian Win” leadership for such an opportunity. Really,  it was so useful and interesting to visit a wine factory, where the many centuries history of winemaking tradition and experience combines with modern approaches and suggests high-quality products”; said Stepan Mantarlyan expressing hope that such practical trainings would be continued.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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