Professor Ishkhan Avanesyan’s Gift to ASUE Library

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The young  generation isn’t familiar to Doctor of Economics, Professor Ishkhan Avanesyan’s name and activity. We want to inform that the renowned scholar and teacher is one of the devotees stand on basis of creating our University,  and becoming the Vice Rector of Educational Matters in 1979-1991 entirely invested his efforts, enthusiasm and knowledge.

In 1995 Ishkhan Avanesyan was invited to Polytechnic Institute of Vologda, Federation of Russia, (now Vologda State University) and actively participated in establishing the Department of Economics, Chair of Finance and Credit,  and he is the Professor of the Chair till today.

The Armenian scientist continues to contribute to Russian educational scientific reality greatly: he authored more than 200 scientific and educational-methodological research works.

Dear Professor has recently gifted 2011-2016 collection of “Areas Development Issues” scientific magazine to ASUE Library.

We express our gratitude for the  attention and useful gift.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division   

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