ASUE Rector, Doctor in Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan’s Congratulatory Message on Armenian Press Day

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ASUE Rector, Doctor in Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan congratulated  Armenian Press Day and we present the congratulatory message below:

Dear colleagues,

Yesterday there was again a holiday in big and large family of Armenian Press, we had an opportunity to remember and to remind our children and students, that on October 16, 1794 senior priest Harutyun Shmavonyan publishing “Azdarar” magazine in Madras, India became the Father of Armenian journalism.

Becoming the basis of Armenian press history and existence, “Azdarar” raised   a number of political, social, moral and cultural issues. By the decision of RA Government on April 22, 2004,  October 16 is celebrated as “Armenian Press Day”.

Today Armenian papers and magazines are also published all over the World, tireless and dedicated  press employees bring their contribution to Armenian Press.

In that big family the staff of University press brings its modest, but important contribution. The edition staffs of “Tntesaget” magazine published by ASUE Media and Public Relations Division, as well as  “Messenger ASUE”  scientific journal  carry  out the job properly in our University.

I heartily congratulate our University employees on this holiday and  wish success  and new achievements.


ASUE Rector, Professor


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