ASUE PhD: participant of a seminar on statistics

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On June 22-23, Astghik Hovhannisyan, PhD of the  Chair  of  Statistics, ASUE,  participated  in a  seminar  on coverage and accessibility of official statistics within the  framework  of “Data transformation”  international project in RF HSE National  Research University (НИУ ВШЭ).

Students, PhDs  and  lecturers  of the  RF  Universities, as well  as representatives   of  economic universities  of Armenia  and Belarus have  participated   in Open Data Inventory seminar.

“Openness, accessibility and transparency  of statistical data are important characteristics of a democratic economy, serve science, therefore economic and social  development.  This problem is typical for all countries, including the Republic of Armenia,  as traditionally official statistics   serve the  needs  of  the  state  and other segments of society.

Russian Association of Statisticians  (RASt)  and Open Data Watch (ODW, the  USA)  which are  members  of  Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data launched the  joint monitoring  project  of coverage and accessibility of official statistics.  ODW has  already passed the first stage of a global inventory,  125 countries, including Armenia have  been  involved in it. The  results and  appropriate methodological indications  of the  first  stage are  reflected in the  official  website  of  the  organization:”; said  Astghik Hovhannisyan.

The first  review of  results  of the  research conducted  by the  mentioned methodology is planned  to be  held  in autumn, Armenian representative of  which is  our  University PhD.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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