Regular session of Scientific Board was held

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Today, regular  session of  Scientific Board  was  held  at  ASUE Conference  Hall, headed  by Koryun Atoyan, Chairman of  Scientific  Board, Rector, Professor.

Mihrdat Harutyunyan, Vice Rector  of  Educational-organizational Matters  reported  on  the new  regulation of allocating  student, state  and nominal  scholarship  in Armenian State  University of  Economics.  The  Vice Rector  presented  suggested changes  and  Rector  Koryun Atoyan explained that it  aimed  to include more  students  in discount  system. Scientific Board  approved  new  regulation,  which  will  be  available   in University  official website.

Suren Gevorgyan, Chairman of Competitive Committee, Doctor, Professor, presented the candidates participating in the  competition of vacancies  for Associate  Professors  in the chairs.   All 16  candidates  were  put  to secret ballot and were elected. Koryun Atoyan congratulated the elected employees  and  wished  them  productive work.

Sos  Khachikyan,  Director  of  ASUE  Yeghegnadzor  Branch, reported  on academic and  scientific research activities  of  the  Branch, stressing  that academic, educational, scientific,  organizational, methodological, education quality assurance, internationalization and public activities  have  been conducted,  which directed to the regular activities of the Branch and contributed to the development of the educational system. “The activities towards expansion of  internationalization and  research  work  have  an  important  role   in the  Branch  activities  during the 2015-2016 academic  year, within the  framework of  which Center for Economic Research  has  been founded”; highlighted Sos  Khachikyan.  He  stressed that ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division  contributed to illustration of  the  Branch  activities, and the  work  conducted  with ASUE  Student Council contributed to students’ active  participation in various measures.

Scientific  Board accepted  the  report  and  evaluated the work satisfactory.

Scientific Board approved dissertation topics and scientific directors, guaranteed to publication Tatul Mkrtchyan’s (Associate  Professor  in the  Chair  of Macroeconomics, Candidate  in Economics) monograph “Modern problems of economic security in the Republic of Armenia”, Susanna Chalabyan’s (Head of  the  Chair of  Foreign Languages, Candidate of Philology),  Lusine  Harutyunyan’s (Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology)  and Armine Grigoryan’s (lecturer, Candidate of Philology) handbook “Economics”, as well as Lernik Mkrtumyan’s (Associate  Professor  in the  Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History,  Candidate  of  History) handbook "Armenian History".

Current  issues  were  also  discussed  and  approved.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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