Certificates to ASUE students participating in master classes

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15  ASUE students of 3rd  year  of  Department of  Finance participated  in master  classes  in “Rosgosstrakh Armenia”  insurance  company. Today,   certificates were  awarded  to  active  students.

The  measure  was  attended by Anna Aslanyan, Head of the  Chair  of Banking  and Insurance, Anahit Astabattsjyan,  Head of  HR  Department  in “Rosgosstrakh Armenia”, Lusine Gevorgyan,  Head of  Personal Recruitment Division.

Lusine  Gevorgyan  mentioned  in welcoming  speech  that it’s  already  second  year that master classes  are  conducted for  students within the  framework  of cooperation with ASUE, which  aimed  to exchange practical knowledge.

Anahit Astabattsjyan  and  Ann Aslanyan  awarded  certificates.  Anahit Astabattsjyan    said  that these projects  are  aimed  to reveal  the  best  students  and  to  give them  work  opportunity, to replenish the  company’s  staff  with  best workers.

Anna  Aslanyan stresses  that cooperation with “Rosgosstrakh Armenia”    will  be  continued,  new projects  will  be  developed soon,  which  will complement the practical knowledge of students  and will establish direct contact with the employer.

Congratulations  to  our  students  and  wish  them professional  new achievements.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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