ASUE has 1116 applicants: ASUE Admission Committee

View count: 1707

Yesterday, the  admission of  full-time  BA program  for 2016-2017  academic  year  was  over.

Today, Mary  Badalyan, the  Executive  Secretary of  ASUE Admission Committee, presented  compact  information regarding the  process: 1116  applicants  have  applied.

“We  can  say,  by  the results  of registration, there is a competition in all specialties”;  mentioned  Mary Badalyan  and  added  the  Admission Committee continues  its work.   The  first  stage  of  admission of full-time  free MA program for  2016-2017 academic year will  last  till June 7, the second  stage will be  held from June 8  to August 20.

Mary  Badalyan  expressed  gratitude  to the  staff of  ASUE  Admission Committee  and mentioned  that  the  Committee,  headed  by  ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan, does effective  teamwork.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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