“Don’t stop learning, start and operate”: famous marketer Igor Mann’s presentation in ASUE

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The  start of  summer  was  marked in ASUE  by  hospitality  of number 1 Russian marketer Igor  Mann. ASUE  SC  initiated  the meeting: “Sarajyan trainings”  company  has  invited  Igor  Mann  to  Armenia.

Gagik Vardanyan,  Vice Rector  of  Science  and  International Relations,  hosted  the guest.

Today, Igor  Mann  spoke  on “50 lessons about life, business, marketing”:  Gagik  Vardanyan,  Grigor  Kirakosyan, adviser to Rector, representatives  of  faculty  staff, collaborators, students  attended  the  presentation. 

The  Russian marketer  welcomed the  participants  and presented  precious tips for life  and  commented on each of them.

First of  all,  the  speaker  called students  to  study  well, cause  every country needs good  specialists. Igor Mann highlighted the role of books in human life, viewing them as an indispensable source of knowledge. Learn without stop: this  was one  of  the  marketer’s main recommendations.

Creativity, punctuality, the ability to live by rules  are  no  less important in our  life: these  are among those 50 lessons, which, of course, give  meaning to our lives, help to manage time.

Referring to business lessons the  marketer mentioned that job makes  us  happy,  hence  we  should  do  our  best while  working.  In this  context, we   often have to make a choice between family  and  job,  but  each  of  them  has its own unique role and we should be able to balance their impact.

“You  live  to create  something, to  give something  and it is also a science, an art” mentioned  the  speaker. At the  end  Igor  Mann  said everything can always be done better and called to  make life better.

At  the  end  students  asked  the  speaker  questions  and  expressed  gratitude  for motivating  and  interesting presentation.

Note, Igor  Mann will  conduct courses  in Armenia, ASUE  students  will  also  attend  them.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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