Brand building, concept and stages: Master class by Russian expert

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Today,  ASUE  students, PhDs  and  lecturers  attended  the  master  class  conducted  by  Ekaterina  Zhuk,  Head of  “Branding” MA program, South Federal University, FD, Candidate in Economics, Associate  Professor of  Marketing  Chair. The  topic  of master  class was “Brand building, study of marketing  environment, positioning, “brand platform””.

Gagik  Vardanyan, Vice Rector of  Science  and International Relations,  presented  the  guest,  underlining the long-term friendly and cooperative relations  between ASUE  and  South Federal University, FD.

Ekaterina  Zhuk  mentioned  that her  visit  aimed  to strengthen  the  further cooperation with  our  University. Then referring to  the topic she  mentioned that the master  class  aimed  to improve students’ theoretical and practical knowledge and skills.  The  speaker  noted  that the market of 21st  century is  an interactive  one, and new, non-standard decisions, generation of new ideas are very  important   in challenges of the new era.  She  presented a Kevin Keller’s Brand Equity Model.

The  speaker  answered the  students’ questions. At the  end of  the  meeting, Gagik Vardanyan awarded a  certificate to Ekaterina  Zhuk  for  conducting  master  class  and  the  efforts  towards development of  international academic  mobility.

The  master  class  was  organized  by  ASUE  Foreign Relations  Division.




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