Russian expert spoke around the prospects for economic development in Armenia

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Today,  “Consensual”  youth NGO  in collaboration with the Public Diplomacy Foundation named after  A.M. Gorchakov   delivered a  lecture on “European and Asian Directions of  Economic Development in Armenia. Risk and Opportunity Analysis” at  ASUE  Amberd  Research Center.

The  collaborators of  “Amberd” Research Center  headed  by the  Director  Samvel Avetisyan, members  of  Faculty staff  and  students  attended the  lecture.

Norayr Dunamalyan, program coordinator   of   “Consensual”  youth NGO presenting  the  guest  and  the  topic  of  the  meeting, noted that  today’s  lecture  was  the  last  one under the  heading “Lessons for the Future”.

Then, Aza Mihranyan,   senior researcher  at  RAS Center for Post-Soviet Studies,  Doctor  in Economics, Professor, presented Russian expert opinion  within the  framework  of economic cooperation with Armenia  and  especially Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, destabilizing conditions  in Middle East (Syria, Iran).  She gave a detailed analysis of the economic factors, which  had  essential impact in integration partnership and Armenia’s economic development prospects. The  speaker noted that the  role of  the Diaspora was  an exclusive   circumstance in Armenia’s economic development.

The  structure  of trade turnover  of EEC member countries  was  presented, it was  noted  that there are prospects of cooperation with these countries in information technology, telecommunications, gold and other markets.

Discussion was  held at the  end  of  the meeting, the participants came up with questions.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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