Our brave student - on the front line

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Narek Avanesyan a student of the Accounting and Auditing Department, was called up for compulsory service on June 24, 2014. These days on the front line in the south-eastern direction of the NKR Defense Army Sergeant Narek Avanesyan, showed high military ability and courage, retaining its position intact.  The information was provided during the special edition on "Shant" TV on April 7, which can be found by the following link http://www.shanttv.com/am/news/political/2016_04_07/17879/, starting at 53.29 minutes.

During the two years of army life our students enriched military knowledge, gained experience, temper and maturity.

Now Narek is on the front line, protecting our territory with dignity. After 2 months, our student will return home and continue his studies at the home university.

We are proud of our soldiers-students who honorably perform assigned military tasks and protect the border of the motherland!

We wish all of them a strong will, endurance and secure service!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.