Open Lectures on “General Introduction to Project Management” at ASUE – New Format

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Today, regular open lecture initiated by Labor Market and Alumni Affairs Division of ASUE Foreign Relations Department was held at Armenian state University of Economics. The speaker – Sona Matinyan, Vice President of the Armenian Project Management Institute (PMP), lectured on General Introduction to Project Management.

Lilit Gyulgyulyan, Head of Labor Market and Alumni Affairs Division, introduced the guest.

The speaker began the meeting with questions, noting that today's meeting is aimed at discussing the topic with an interactive question and answer. She touched upon the changes and noted that they should be considered as opportunities for becoming the beginning of new projects, then referred to process of fulfilling ideas and projects, presented the scope of knowledge of project management and the components of the process. The attendees were actively involved in the discussion, the students presented their approaches and questions.

While being interviewed Sona Matinyan, referring to the meeting, stated; “Working with students is always inspiring - new perspectives, new breath, new opinions. I am glad that young people are open for information, they seek knowledge. Project management in Armenia strengthens its positions every year, and international standards are adopted to us as well. So getting acquainted with this profession is a time requirement, and the Armenian branch of the Project Management Institute is doing everything to get young people closer to the global market demand. And, of course, we are grateful to Armenian State University of Economics for cooperation and positive emotions”.

Lilit Gyulgyulyan highlighted the role of such events; “Cooperation with such organizations is very important as we understand and revise our educational programs that ultimately will serve students to get ready to pass an international qualification test after graduating from the University”; the Head of Division stated.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division