Intensified International Cooperation: Representatives of Edinburgh Napier University are Hosted at ASUE

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"Erasmus +" is one of the key programs in the context of ASUE internationalization, within which various formats of cooperation are established and events are organized.

Fawad Khaleel, professor of Edinburgh Napier University, Kiril Sharapov, Mandy Winterton, administrative staff members, were hosted at ASUE during the current week.

At the beginning of the week, Fawad Khaleel was hosted at ASUE Gyumri Branch, and today, he was at Faculties of Finance and Management. He delivered lectures on “Microfinance”, “Financial Technologies”.

The administrative staff trained at our University got acquainted with the activities of the University, the work of the subdivisions, enriched their experiences and made recommendations on international cooperation.

Today, at the end of working day, the Napier members met Paruyr Jangulyan, Director of ASUE Foreign Relations Department, Vard Ghuklasyan, Head of International Relations Division, and they discussed further interaction directions.

Coordinator of “Erasmus +” program at ASUE – International Relations Division, informed that 2 professors of Miskolc University would be hosted at ASUE during the coming week.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division