Professional Open Lecture on “Business Processes”

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Today, employees of KPMG Armenia International Consulting Company have been hosted at our university for the third time: ASUE Lifelong Education and Career Division responded to students request and invited them to deliver another open lecture.

Gayane Sargsyan, Financial Advisor of the Corporate Finance Department of the company, clarified the details of the companies' evaluation process under “Business Processes” section. During the meeting, the Financial Advisor also informed about the application procedure for vacancies at KPMG Armenia. Gayane Sargsyan stressed that besides being employed, their company is an unique platform for study and specialization.

Students of the Departments of Marketing and Business Organization, Accounting and Auditing, Finance were dominating among the attendees. Sona Ghazaryan, Head of HRM, answered the students’ questions.

Aida Arustamyan, Head of Lifelong Education and Career Division, stated that such meetings are highly required and another 2 meetings with Armenian leading companies are planned to be hold at the end of this academic year.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division