Program Committee session on the eve of 28th ASUE Conference

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As we have already informed, ASUE 28th conference on “Vision of Future Economy: Problems and Perspectives”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Independence of the First Republic of Armenia and May battles, will be hold on November 26-30, 2018. So program committee session was held today where organizational and procedural issues were heard and discussed. The meeting was attended by ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, Vice Rector of Science and International relations Gagik Vardanyan, head of science and Postgraduate division Khoren Mkhitaryan and division staff, heads of chairs, SEL directors, deans, lecturers and PhD students.
Rector Koryun Atoyan presented his remarks and expectations and noted that the annual 28th conference should be more content, especially considering the fact that it was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Independence of the First Republic of Armenia and May battles. The Rector highlighted the role of the results of the annual conference in the sense of the science-economy connection because economics is applied science and by developing it, it is necessary to eliminate the existing breakthrough between them. Vice-rector Gagik Vardanyan reported on the preparatory work, noting that chairs, laboratories and research center of the University should have an active participation in the conference. He highlighted the proper organization of the plenary session of the conference, sections, round tables as well as the formation of a working, respectful, partner atmosphere. Speaking about the collecting the articles, Khoren Mkhitaryan emphasized that an urgent issue was "strengthening" articles to fit the requirements of the Higher Qualification Committee. He also reminded the participants the deadlines and the procedure for submitting articles. Heads of the chairs Diana Galoyan, Ashot Salnazaryan, Dean Meri Badalyan, director of SEL Elena Manukyan also made suggestions. The suggestions will be discussed at the next session.
The details of the conference are here.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division