Re-discovering Charents: Holiday devoted to Charents was held at ASUE (series of photos)

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Spirit of Charents was in the air. Talented students of ASUE took us to the world of “Our Charents” filled with songs, dances and recitals.

ASUE honored the 125th anniversary of the genius poet. The message was sent by the student Margarita Khachatryan to the chair of Languages where they started to bring this idea to life together with the lecturer of the Armenian language and literature Anna Gharslyan. Different students that really loved the masterpieces of Charents transformed this idea into reality. “We agreed to base our work on the eternal idea of love and enjoyment. If any student after the event, at home or anywhere, opens the book and reads Charents, then our efforts were not in vain” – Anna Gharslyan confessed.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, lecturers, and students were present at the event as well as an employee of House-Museum of Ye. Charents Anush Tasalyan and writer Hovik Charkhchyan were invited to this event.

While welcoming the audience and participating students, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan said that the cultural and spiritual environment being shaped at the University of Economics is really beneficial as it shapes individuals with high values.

Anush Tasalyan confessed that she was excited to see such smart and emotional students at the University of Economics.

Charents is a genius that had numerous changes of mood, vision and ideas in different time periods and transformed it into diamond and poetry. Students had belief that in the country Charents lived, new Charents-style poets will definitely be born.

For more detailed information, please see the Armenian version.