ASUE Scientists’ Articles in the International Conference Held in Rostov

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The report entitled “EAEU Impact on Foreign Trade of the Republic of Armenia” co-authored by Narek Kesoyan, acting Dean of the Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization, Associate Professor at the Chair of Mathematical Methods in Economics, PhD in Economics and Ara Mkrtchyan, Vice Dean, Assistant Professor at the Chair of International Economic Relations, PhD in Economics, was presented in international scientific-practical conference.

On December 6, international conference entitled “Modern Architecture of the World Economy: 4 (innovation, industry, investment, integration)” was held at Rostov State University of Economics, and Narek Kesoyan participated in it. He made a welcoming remark and noted that international conferences are measures to reinforce interstate and inter-university cooperation and raise important economic issues.

ASUE representative was awarded a participation certificate.

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ASUE Media and Public Relations Division