Specialists Held an Open Lecture on Leasing, Public and Private Sectors’ Partnership

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Today, ASUE Alumni, Head of Business Support Office Gevorg Poghosyan and Chairman of "Agroleasing" LCC LLC board Aram Mkhitaryan were hosted at their native University to establish cooperation. Within the framework of the visit they conducted an open lecture, then were hosted in the office of ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan.

Gevorg Poghosyan and Aram Mkhitaryan lectured on "Public-private dialogue as an effective mechanism for policy development" and "Leasing as a financial tool for the development of economic sectors". They clarified the issues related to the cooperation between public and private sectors, as well as the essence and advantages of leasing.

Diana Galoyan and Aram Mkhitaryan signed a memorandum, which fixes ASUE-"Agroleasing" cooperation, within the framework of which it is planned to hold open lectures, involve ASUE students in the mentioned company, conduct internships. The Rector emphasizes that the university attaches great importance to the involvement of specialists from the practical field in the educational process, which develops the students' professional skills, paves the way to the labor market.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division