Native University as the First Employer: Student Job at ASUE

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A new system is being introduced at Armenian State University of Economics, aimed at employing students. This is the world famous “Student Job” institute, which is now used by the University of Economics.

ASUE acting Rector Ruben Hayrapetyan has still spoken about the introduction of this idea in February, at the first meeting with the students. And now this goal is being fulfilled.

Ruben Hayrapetyan stated that every student entering ASUE must henceforth know that in case of high achievement and acquiring the necessary knowledge during the university years, will be required both in the labor market and the first employer, who will be interested in them, is their native university. “This is a great opportunity for students to build a long-term career at the university or to provide short-term working experience, if they want to continue their work in another field in the future. So, the problem, when the employer requires working experience while hiring students, will be solved”; the University Head stated that the first attempt was made.

ASUE 6 students were employed in ASUE Admission Committee conducting 2019-2020 admission process.

The Rector stated that this process will later become larger and spread to other subdivisions, in the sense, that the best students will have the opportunity to get their working experience in different divisions of the University. Moreover, it’s about both part-time and passing to full-time work. The process will coordinate the Labor Market and Alumni Affairs Division.

“Our University mission is not only to convey knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to ensure their work. I can confidently state that there won’t be one student or graduate of our university who really studies, but for some reason can not find a job, that is, high achieving ASUE student is ensured to find a good job. And from now on, our University is involved in a series of organizations which will actively engage in employing our students and graduates”; Ruben Hayrapetyan stated.

“As employers we can now assess the qualitative characteristics of students not only as students, but also employees. Students should actively take part in every day life of the University and have a significant role in the whole working process. Students' involvement in the working processes will be continuous. This will also help students to evaluate their potential, to understand real preferences. It will also be considered as an alternative to student career”; Gohar Sargsyan, Head of ASUE HRM Division stated, noting that the data of these students will be fixed in ASUE staff base and they may be considered as main employees in the future.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division