Testing for MS Office Course Applicants

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Today, testing of the 3rd and 4th years full-time Bachelor’s degree students was conducted ahead the start of MS Office course: 4 groups will be formed according to the level of knowledge.

Aghavni Hakobyan, Head of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division, stated that 85 students participated in the testing. Vardan Sargsyan, Head of the Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems, Anush Tumanyan, lector at the same Chair, Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE Foreign Relations Department, Aghavni Hakobyan, collaborators of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division followed the testing process.

The practical trainings of MS Office will start next week, and will be conducted at computer halls after University trainings.

P.S. ASUE Leadership acted with an initiative, that’s, holding free additional courses of MS Office. See the previous publication.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division