The 51st issue of Amberd series of publications is online

11.07.2022 Amberd
View count: 670

The 51st research of Amberd series of publications under the rubric “Opportunities to increase the competitiveness of the RA industry” has been published and is online at ASUE official website.

Authors of the presented research are Gayane Avagyan (research team leader), Knarik Vardanyan, Garik Petrosyan, Mikael Navasardyan, and Andranik Margaryan (members of the research team).

The research is devoted to evaluation of the RA economic growth targets, main factors affecting the RA industry competitiveness, and development of mechanisms to increase the competitiveness of the RA industrial products.

The authors highlighted the core factors affecting export rates of industrial products that provide the competitiveness of the RA economy, evaluated the rate, significance and duration of factors by means of econometric methods as well as presented suggestions on measures of state policy.