Discussion of the draft model law recognized as winning in the committee of the CIS inter-parliamentary assembly was held at ASUE

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A scientific and practical seminar on the draft model law of “Assessment of mining industry impact on health of surrounding communities” with the participation of all interested parties took place on March 24 at ASUE.

Head of the work group designing the draft model law, head of the chair of Microeconomics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Mikayel Melkumyan, while presenting the draft law, said that the discussion would be held in a constructive atmosphere with high efficiency indicator.

Lecturers from the chairs of Microeconomics and Environmental Economics of ASUE, invited specialists, chairman of the standing committee of RA NA Healthcare and Social Affairs Narek Zeynalyan, former delegate of NA Vardevan Grigoryan, experts, representatives from state examination bodies, and RA Ministry of Economy participated in the discussion of draft model law.

While welcoming those present, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan highlighted that this discussion is highly significant for the university. The rector highlighted the role of the university population in expert assessments of drafting the laws and hoped that the functioning of our university will become even more evident in the future. “I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Melkumyan who always attaches importance to research works. I am sure that within the frames of law-making activities, we will be successful and it will be reflected in inter-parliamentary assembly of CIS countries”.

The advisor to the expert and analytical department of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Natalia Amburtsieva participated in the discussion via video-conferencing. While finalizing the scientific and practical seminar results, the Russian official highly appreciated the large-scale works of Armenian partners, their practical suggestions and their applicability as well.

Mikayel Melkumyan also assessed the results of the seminar as positive.

“These are not standard activities, because we have never had such a case to draft model law in our country and this is an exclusive case. We will continue our works taking into account all the suggestions and remarks” – Professor Melkumyan said.

Let us remind that application of the draft model law of “Assessment of mining industry impact on health of surrounding communities” was approved on September 10, 2021 in the standing committee of Agricultural and Environmental Affairs of inter-parliamentary Assembly of CIS countries that makes and approves different model laws for CIS countries.