Results of the first cycle of application process were beneficial for ASUE as we have 1479 applicants: Armen Grigoryan

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ASUE Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Armen Grigoryan during the interview with addressed the results of the first cycle of application process for 2022/2023 academic year. There were 1479 applicants for the first cycle at the University of Economics that was over on May 10.

-Mister Grigoryan, the first cycle of application process for full-time bachelor’s education for 2022/2023 academic year was completed on May 10. What are the results for the university?

-According to the results of the first cycle of application process, ASUE has 1479 applicants. Our university keeps its constant place as it was in the previous 2 years, so we are behind YSU in number of applicants. YSU offers its applicants 59 study programs and has 416 no-fee places, NPUA offers 37 study programs and 393 no-fee places and ASUE offers 11 study programs and only 60 no-fee places.

Therefore, ASUE is the leader in the correlation of applicants/no-fee study places (24.65) exceeding the other 2 universities. We should point out that ASUE Gyumri branch is the only university that has no vacant places as a result of the 1st cycle.

-Which study programs are more demanded and how is its condition in relation to other universities?

-I would like to point out that 5 study programs of ASUE as a result of 2022/2023 applications process were the most demanded in the republic. There are many popular specialties such as “Management (by sector)”, “Finance (by sector)”. And some other professions are also popular such as “Economics”, “Marketing” and “Accounting and taxation”.

-What is the positioning of specialties of ASUE in university education system?

- I would like to point out that especially in the sphere of economics and business administration, leading position and comparative competitiveness of ASUE is visible. Twice more applicants applied to ASUE “Economics” study program than to the similar study programs offered by NPUA or YSU.

-If you take into account all these factors, how do you assess the first cycle of the application process?

-Finalizing it all, results of the 1st cycle of the application process of 2022/2023 academic year are rather favorable for the university that is considered to be the main indicator of the effective work of ASUE team. It is rather satisfying that trust towards the university grows not only among the external beneficiaries but within the frames of the community that positively influences on the preferences given towards out university and our study programs.

For more detailed information about this process can be found in the document attached.