Erasmus+: ASUE lecturer has visited Yuray Dobrila University

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On April 25-30 Associate Professor of ASUE chair of Business Administration, PhD in Economics Maria Sahakyan within the frames of Erasmus+ academic staff mobility visited Yuray Dobrila University, Croatia.

ASUE lecturer has met the head of External Relations Division of the university Ivona Peternel, Erasmus+ program coordinator Andrea Buleshichi, head of Career Development Center Tea Anishichi. The latter one studied within the frames of the same program at ASUE. Maria Sahakyan during her visit tried to find new opportunities for cooperation between two universities on mutual visits and scientific research.

Our partner lectured on “Tourism cluster formation and development”, “Staff teaching and development”, “Professional orientation and career management” to bachelor’s and master’s students of the Faculty of Economics and Tourism and presented the tourism potential of Armenia by means of videos, told about ASUE achievements, historical and development programs, and addressed extreme tourism potential that is more attractive to European tourists.