The Target Goals of MINERVA Were Introduced to Students

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On October 22, an info-meeting of MINERVA (Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia) was hosted at the Armenian State University of Economics.

The meeting was hosted by ASUE Vice-Rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan. He presented the target goals of MINERVA project, the work done and the achievements within the frames of the project. The Vice-Rector also referred to the creation and strengthening of technical and content infrastructures in the field of research, the introduction of a program to combat plagiarism and academic ethics, the creation and operation of a research base, as well as the University's membership to the EURAXESS pan-European research platform.

Touching upon the main principles and peculiarities of the "open science" system, Tatul Mkrtchyan presented the possibility of the system introduction, the perspectives, as well as the forthcoming challenges for ASUE.

Along with a number of issues discussed, the students expressed a special interest in the research base and the features and principles of the anti-plagiarism system.

Let’s recall, MINERVA project, launched at the Moldovan Academy of Economics, is co-financed by the EU Erasmus + program, aims to strengthen the management of research in Universities in Moldova and Armenia, making science more accessible and affordable.

ASUE has become the project partner since 2019. The duration of the project is 3 years.