Immense Patriotism in Hayk's Soul: Immortal Soldier-volunteer of the Homeland

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We want to speak about Hayk Asatryan, a first-year Master's degree student at ASUE, “Business Organization” specialty, who fought like a hero during the war.

Dean of the Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization Naren Kesoyan spoke about Hayk with deep sorrow.

“He was a great patriot, one of those patriots who did not just talk, but acted,” Hayk's girlfriend Srbuhi Balayan noted while being interviewed.

Hayk Asatryan graduated from the acting department of the Yerevan State Institute of Theater and Cinema (the second photo is from his performance), was a talented, hardworking and promising young man.

A cheerful and smiling young man founded his own business and intended to develop it, and in order to deepen his knowledge in this area he admitted the ASUE.

Srbuhi says that on September 27 he volunteered for Artsakh, took part in the training camp for several days and already on October 2 left for the front line of Mekhakavan (Jabrail). According to his colleagues, Hayk saved dozens of lives during the war and was able to lead a group of 70 people out of the encirclement. Friends who returned home tried to find him to thank him for saving their lives, but alas ...

Since October 15, there has been no news from him, his family and relatives were hoping him to return. Unfortunately, on January 3rd, Hayk's body was found ...

“Hayk was an unique person who loved life and people, was kind and sympathetic. We met at the Yerevan State Institute of Theater and Cinema, played the roles of brother and sister in the play “Depi tun”, became friends, and then our friendship grew into love ...

When Hayk called from the front line, he said that he would not return until the war was over , and when he returns, he will give me a ring and ask for my hand. And we waited with hope for the war to end at last ...

I loved Hayk very much ... and I continue to love, he knew about it, he knows…”.

We present a video where Hayk is reciting “Kele Lao, Kele Ertanq Mrr Ergir…”

Eternal glory and deep bow to the immortal hero!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division