First step in the labor market: Rosgosstrakh Armenia awarded certificates to ASUE students

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A group of ASUE 4 year students of Insurance specialty in the second half of the previous academic year (April-May) have taken master classes at Rosgosstrakh Armenia Insurance Company. Today, the students have received certificates of participation at the head office of the company. Anna Aslanyan, the head of Banking and Insurance Chair, Doctor of Sciences /Economics/, Professor, Anahit Astabatzyan, the head of Human Resource Management Department were present at the event. Anna Aslanyan noted that this is the regular partnership with one of the leading insurance companies in Armenia. Master classes become regular for our students. Students get professional knowledge which will be useful for them in the labor market. They also get acquainted with the employer's requirements, and acquire teamwork skills. Anna Aslanyan also mentioned Hayk Poghosyan, a student with outstanding professional skills, who was invited to work in a host company. According to student Lilit Petrosyan, this experience has helped her to get acquainted with the "rules" of entry into the labor market.

Our congratulations to our certified students.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division