International experience of performance accountability will be localized in Armenia: workshop at ASUE

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We previously informed that professor Gary Vanlandingham of the University of Florida is in Armenia at the invitation of the lecturer of the chair of ASUE Banking and Insurance, PhD in Economics Hayk Bejanyan. Professor visited our country within the program of “Development of Performance Accountability in the RA” that is implemented within the program of Professional Fellowship program, with the assistance of US Department of State and American Councils. Hayk Bejanyan had an internship within the frames of this program in Florida, USA and after graduation has decided to localize the international experience: he developed a course-book “Performance Accountability”, an unprecedented course-book for our country.

Two-day workshop devoted to the course-book development was held at ASUE and it was the last meeting of Professor Vanlandingham who had work meetings and a meeting with ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, held an open lecture, as well as discussed opportunities of joint programs in Amberd Center.

Specialists from state sphere of performance accountability, experts from private sector, members of consulting organizations, ASUE representatives were present at the two-day discussions. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan welcomed workshop participants and pointed out that it will assist the development of performance accountability in Armenia.

Gary Vanlandingham highlighted that success of every project is in its effective management.

When addressing the practical matters, Hayk Bejanyan informed that all possibilities to localize the course-book have been discussed, adjacent problems were finalized and completed and the aim of the workshop is to transfer the international experience to Armenian partners to apply them in practice in the best possible way.

For more detailed information, please see the Armenian version.