ASUE students get employed by the "Armenian Programs" Company

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The Armenian State University of Economics continues its close cooperation with the leading organizations of the labor market, which provides promising work and career prospects for our students.

In November 2022, 36 students were chosen during the open door event organized by the "Armenian Software" Company to participate in the free training courses of the company's "AS-Entrepreneurship", "AS-Accounting" and "AS-Trade" systems that started on January 23.

Classes are conducted by experienced specialists of the company who have decades of experience in the systems implementation, adaptation and maintenance. The participants will be given an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the systems, carry out practical activities, and find a solution to real world cases.

"We introduce the history, activities, systems, and culture of our company at the traditional "AS-Days" event. We would like to highlight that we have been functioning since 1987 and have accumulated a lot of experience over the years. Students from the University of Economics quickly integrate into our company culture, understand our work style, become skilled and have advancement: we have department heads who are ASUE graduates. Now 23 ASUE students work in our organization, totaling to 100 graduates and students," said Sofia Sargsyan, head of HR division of the company.

On the first photo you can see the employees of “Armenian Software” Company- ASUE lecturer Ogsen Papazyan and 4th year student Mari Avagyan.