Donation to ASUE Medical Center: Ongoing Cooperation with FLAWLESS Corporation

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Today, ASUE acting Rector Diana Galoyan hosted Alexander Margaryan, President of FLAWLESS Corporation (USA), Gagik Aghajanyan, acting Head of the Chair of Environmental Economics at ASUE, Armen Ghazaryan, Head of Division of Economic and Engineering.

The meeting was held in the context of cooperation: FLAWLESS Corporation donated furniture and medicine to ASUE Medical Center. Alexander Margaryan emphasized that he is ready to support the implementation of various programs developed for ASUE students, as well as collaborators.

Diana Galoyan expressed gratitude for the cooperation and stated that the University Leadership carries out a number of social and other programs aimed at supporting ASUE staff and students.

While being interviewed the President of the corporation stated that he highlights the education sector, and he’s ready to help the University. “High quality, modern education is of great importance and we would like to help the University to make investments for a large number of students. The donation aimed at creating safer environment for the University staff and students”; he stated.

The Head of the Chair of Environmental Economics noted that the cooperation with the corporation is implemented in two directions: support to the University, which will target a larger number of stakeholders, and support for the Chair aimed at improving the quality of environmental education.

Armen Ghazaryan, Head of Division of Economic and Engineering, noted that considering the donation it’s plan to operate the University medical center soon.

See the previous publication regarding the cooperation between ASUE and FLAWLESS Corporation.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division