English Professional Courses for Students

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Within the frames of cooperation between ASUE Chair of Environmental Economics and FLAWLESS Corporation (USA) English professional free courses will be held for students (Bachelor’s and Master’s degree) of the mentioned Chair’s specialties in March, April and May. The courses will be conducted by Anush Khachatryan, author of the book “Environmental Economics”, lecturer of the Chair of Languages, PhD in  Philology.

The initiative was launched today: first, a group of students wishing to improve English knowledge passed test to check the background of English, then the training started.

Gagik Aghajanyan, acting Chair, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, stated that the cooperation directions with FLAWLESS Corporation are being developed according to the priorities.

"I would like to note that we have taken into consideration that the labor market requires competitive cadres, and English knowledge is one of those components that determine today's competitiveness. Professional English will surely help students to explore additional sources for carrying out research”; the Chair stated and thanked Alexander Margaryan, President of the corporation.

Anush Khachatryan added that the training will be carried out by modern methods, in accordance with the ESP (English for special purposes) program, in an interactive atmosphere. At the end of the training, the participants will pass a test, after which they will be awarded certificates.

We wish effective training.

Note, we have recently touched upon the ASUE-FLAWLESS interaction.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division