Presentation of Teamwork at the End of the "Consumer Behavior" Course

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“Consumer Behavior” course of the 2nd year of Marketing was summed up by presentation of students’ teamwork. Lilit Dadayan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Marketing, PhD in Economics, instructed students to do teamwork studying the factors affecting consumer behavior.

Today, the last presentation was held, attended by Vadim Grigoryan, acting Head of the Chair of Marketing, Mariana Abrahamyan, lecturer. Members of research team: Narek, Hrachya, Davit and Gevorg, presented their work with interesting presentation, screening copyright videos.

Lilit Dadayan noted that the best of 6 teams will be selected and will be awarded a special prize.

“The teamwork selected as a result of voting will won. As a stimulus, all students will have a study visit to the brandy factory soon, and a surprise is expected for the best team. Everyone was fully involved in the course”; Lilit Dadayan summed up, adding that students developed the skills of literary publicizing their studies, which was so important for the marketing specialists.

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