Professor of University of Economics – Varna at ASUE

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ASUE actively cooperates with University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria, within the frames of “Erasmus +” program. On May 6-10, Desislava Serafimova, professor of the above mentioned University was hosted at ASUE.

She delivered lectures on "Corporate Social Responsibility" and "Human Resource Management" during this week for the 3rd year students of the Department of Finance, the 2nd year students of the Department of Management, the 3rd year students of the Department of Accounting and Auditing.

The professor met Tigran Mnatsakanyan, Vice Rector of Science and International Relations, Anahit Melkumyan, acting Head of the Chair of Labor Economics, discussed cooperation issues.

Accompanied by Lilit Mkrtchyan, Leading Specialist of ASUE Foreign Relations Division, Desislava Serafimova took a tour around ASUE buildings, got acquainted with the everyday life of the University.

Note, Lili Martirosyan from University of Economics – Varna, studies at ASUE for this semester.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division has recently touched upon the students studying at our University within “Erasmus +” program, one of them is Lili. Here is the active link of the publication.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division