Ruben Hayrapetyan: Cooperation with Bologna University is Crucial in ASUE Internationalization Process

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The Armenian State University of Economics is developing an action plan to implement the goals set out in the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Bologna University. It should be noted that at the end of March a memorandum of understanding was signed at the University of Bologna in Italy, on the occasion of which ASUE Acting Rector, Doctor of Economics, Professor Ruben Hayrapetyan and Head of Quality Assurance Division Nerses Gevorgyan visited the mentioned University.

The memorandum plans cooperation in 4 directions: educational, scientific-research, mobility of students and staff. In addition to the memorandum, another two documents were signed, the first of which defines cooperation in scientific-research sector, and the second is the "Project Management" joint Master’s degree implemented by the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Armenian State Economic University (ASUE) and National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) enabling students to practice at the Rimini branch of the University and to prepare graduation work recognizing students' credits within the framework of the given educational program.

ASUE acting Rector Ruben Hayrapetyan considers the cooperation between the University of Economics and University of Bologna crucial in ASUE internationalization process.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division