Problem identification, analysis, recommendations, discussions, debates in conferences

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Today 25th International Conference of ASUE continued its work in five sections: "Education, science and innovations", "Finances and Tax Policy", "Regional Economics", "Philosophical and cultural issues of development", "General issues of development". ASUE Media and Public Relations Division went around all the sections, listened to the reports, talked to the coordinators of the section.

Section "Finances and Tax Policy" started its work at 10:00am. The coordinator of the section is Prof. Ashot Salnazaryan. He told us that he had already heard 16 reports; the speakers were professors, doctors, graduate students. Ashot Salnazaryan appreciated the meaningful work of the section.

The coordinator of "Philosophical and cultural issues of development" section Professor Aram Sargsyan informed that the works were valuable. Yesterday and today, they had 12 reports.

Associate professor Tatul Mkrtchyan, who told us that topics of the reports were very comprehensive, which comes out of the general direction, coordinates the works of “General issues of development” section.

The coordinator of "Education, science and innovations" section is academician Yuri Suvaryan. During our visit Mikael Mikaelyan (Head of the chair of Economic Theory, YSU) was reporting. He addressed to the issues of concentration of economic entities.

Professor Samvel Avetisyan is coordinating the works of "Regional Economics" section. During our visit, Doctor of Sciences Diana Galoyan was delivering a report on quantitative and qualitative assessment of RA export stimulation.

Note that all the sections will continue to work tomorrow, after which the coordinators will submit reports summarizing their work.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.