Congratulatory Speech of ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan on graduation

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ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan made a congratulatory speech on graduation of the ASUE students, which is presented below.

Dear Graduates, 

Each year at this time we appear on this traditional crossroad and experience unique feelings, as we accompany the next generation of university graduates to the big life. Historically and traditionally education was the highest value for Armenians, as it was the spiritual identity for progress, state and prosperity of our country and nation.

Thanks to our government today education and science are given a major role. Different flexible social support mechanisms are implemented for students, institutions of higher education meet the current challenges enabling students to get a higher education in their home country. "No good student should be deprived of education because of social conditions" President Sargsyan’s testimonial became an unbroken workstyle for us. No good student was left out from ASUE because of tuition fees this year.

In the difficult process of education reforms we also get the active support of the Government of RA, which enables us to improve the quality of educational services, develop educational traditions and strengthen our institutions. This is particularly important given the current competition in the education market.

Dear Graduates,

Believe me, we have tried to invest the best in your education and we are confident that you have received fundamental knowledge here, which will pave a new path in your lives. It is possible that there were gaps, but on the other hand, you have witnessed our efforts, which were aimed at improving your learning process, educational environment and creation of new conditions.

Today we are saying goodbye to a few hundred students of our university, whom I am sure, we shall soon see in different economic sectors.

Dear Graduates,

I wish You health, fulfillment of goals, good will to build a road to success. And traditionally I urge you never lose your ties with beloved University, where you are always welcome and where everyone is proud of you.

All the best to you.


 Rector, Professor