ASUE women's volleyball team won a bronze medal: men's volleyball Championship is taking place in ASUE gym

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ASUE women's volleyball team won a bronze medal during the championship games of women's volleyball, which pass in the framework of 16th republican sports games among university students.

During the interview with the ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Simon Hakobyan a professor of the chair of Physical training, emergency situations and civil defense, coach of the women's volleyball team said that he was very satisfied with the game. He noted that athletes had performed very well, had recorded brilliant victories and were the third after the teams of the State Institute of Physical Culture and Yerevan State University. One of the best and tallest players of the team had been injured and another had been sick, which, of course,
had prevented the team's big victory. Simon Hakobyan said that if there were no unforeseen events, perhaps, the teams would have won, as the difference between the rivals was little. 

            “I want to admit that our university women's volleyball team is made up of the best female athletes and different coaches are interested in the team. For example, one of the team members Nare Hovhannisyan is a master of sports, who won several international competitions. Our games generate a big interest", said the coach.

ASUE women's volleyball team members are Nare Hovhannisyan (master of sports), Gohar Mkrtchyan, Mary Torosyan, Hripsime Tovmasyan, Astghik Sahakyan, Ekaterina Kashina, Lusine Nersisyan, Agapi Dilanyan, Nina Antonian, Lusine Hakobyan, Loretta Badalyan, Lea Mirzoyan.

Note that women's volleyball championship completed on March 30, and yesterday, started men’s volleyball championship in ASUE gym. Men's volleyball team yesterday recorded a victory over the French University team. Men’s volleyball championship will run until April 10.

We congratulate ASUE women's team and wish continued success to the men's team.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.