How to motivate the professors and enhance the quality of education: the second report of "Education motivation" group

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How to motivate the ASUE staff? What ultimately will increase the quality of education? "Education motivation" scientific and educational group today introduced the second interim report entitled "Motivation enhancement issues in higher education". ASEU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, heads of other scientific and educational groups, representatives of ASUE scientific staff and students were present at the meeting. In his opening speech, Gagik Vardanyan noted that the results of the previous reports of the scientific and educational groups had been satisfying. He hoped that the results of the researches would orient the further activities of the groups.  

The head of the Research Group, associate professor Mery Badalyan briefly presented the activities of each member. According to Badalyan the current incentive systems do not generate sufficient motivation for the staff, while motivating employees would inevitably impact the education quality improvement.

A member of the scientific and educational group, associate professor Lilit Dadayan delivered a speech on "Motivation atmosphere of ASUE and the ways to improve it”, presenting the results of the focus group activities. Associate professor Marine Nikoghosyan`s report was on "Analysis of ASUE staff professional activity motives", referring to the survey results. The other members of the group post-graduate students Lusine Hovhannisyan, Asia Petrosyan and Ani Hovhannisyan delivered a report on "The particularities of motivation of ASUE young professors".

The group had a lively discussion, exchanged opinions and suggestions.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.